Friday, October 9, 2009

Time for Reflection, and a Parable Comes to Life

The ride back from Murambi to Kigali was a time for reflection on the visit we had just made. The very purpose of our trip was to meet Umuhoza, yet after the incredible experiences we had before the visit, I was afraid that meeting her would be anti-climatic. Instead, I was so thankful that our time with Umuhoza and her family was the perfect culmination to a journey that had exceeded all expectations. Big projects and government programs can show lots of statistics as to the good they provide. But Umuhoza and her family put such a human face to the real potential benefit of charity. I was so blessed to be a part of it. I had truly received so much more from the visit than I could have ever given to her and her family.

I couldn’t help but think back to the circumstances that had brought me to Rwanda, to be in the little village of Murambi on July 15, 2009. The wheels really had started in motion almost nine years prior to the trip, when at an Amy Grant Christmas Concert she asked the audience to find the Compassion International brochure she had placed beneath each seat, inviting us all to sponsor a child. Like the biblical parable in Luke Chapter 8, those brochures had been scattered like seeds in a field. As in the parable, some settled in weeds or fell on rock and withered away. But one seed fell on fertile soil, and sprang up, and was bountiful. And that bounty is a beautiful Christian Rwandan young lady named Umuhoza, the Redeemer and the Restorer. And Andrea and I got to be part of her life. Thank God!

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